Preflex Parking Garage in Split-Level Design

Approximately 350 employee parking spaces in four months: CHRISTMANN + PFEIFER created these for DHL in Cologne. Our modular Preflex® Parking Garage was erected using the split-level construction method. For that, a total of 210 of our prefabricated Preflex® panel elements were transported to the construction site and assembled there.

Thanks to a separate tower containing technical systems and equipment, the new parking garage is ideally equipped for electromobility. A green roof and two-thirds of the façade being covered in greenery take ecological challenges into account.

However, one or two obstacles had to be avoided during construction. For example, the tall panels and roof girders had to be installed under a Deutsche Bahn power line - with the help of a horizontal crane.

Bauherr Developer Deutsche Post AG
Leistung Service Preflex® Parking Garage
Place of construction Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia


The ideal network of specialists for your building project.

PREFLEX® Parking Garage.

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