Taking Responsibility - Helping To Shape The Future.
As a construction company with a long tradition, we are convinced that people are at the center of everything we do. The personal appreciation of each individual is fundamental for us in our cooperation. Respect, trust and honesty are values that we live and experience.
We are an active part of society and closely intertwined with our regional environment. Due to our 100-year corporate history, we have particularly close ties with our local communities.
For example, we are a partner of popular sports. Why go far when good things are so close? In particular, we are always happy to support soccer and sports clubs in the vicinity of our company location - whether on a permanent basis or for the implementation of specific campaigns and measures.
We are also always open to good ideas and unusual events in the socio-cultural sphere and are happy to sponsor various activities here - from the bicycle rally to support the local elementary schools, the technology-inspired youth work of a gliding club or the regional castle festival, which brings the history of the region to life in a dramatic and entertaining way.
Christmas Donation.
Donations instead of gifts - true to this motto, we regularly support an institution or an association from a wide variety of fields at Christmas time. In this way, our donations have reached many different target groups in recent years:
- The parents' initiative for children's dialysis in Marburg
- DKMS – The German Bone Marrow Donor Registry
- kinderherzen (children's hearts) – Patronage Association of German Children's Heart Centers
- Bärenherz (bear heart) – Foundation for chronically ill children
- Cool Strong Kids – Violence prevention for children
- Das Seehaus e. V. – Free form juvenile detention center
- Rengschburger Herzen e. V. – Senior citizen work and food distribution
We are particularly pleased that our employees repeatedly top up the company donation with their own contributions. For us, this is not only a confirmation of our actions, but also a sign of the high level of identification of our employees with the values we live by. It may have been several years ago that our workforce was nominated for the German Commitment Award in 2010 - but the commitment is unbroken!
The social concerns of our workforce are important to us. On our internal communication platform, they have the opportunity at any time to solicit support for social projects close to them and also to personally suggest donation recipients for the Christmas donation.
Thinking about tomorrow.
Buildings are responsible for 32 percent of energy consumption. For us as a building company, this means we have to seize opportunities and do our part to actively contribute to the protection of the climate and resources. This happens on many levels. In the management of our own buildings and in running our own company. But also by offering climate-friendly alternatives and durable constructions. Or even when we work with our industry association to ensure that steel can be produced ever greener. We are aware of our responsibility - and put it into action.