News from C + P

Christmas donation 2024

This year, CHRISTMANN + PFEIFER's annual company donation goes to two associations near the company headquarters

CHRISTMANN + PFEIFER's traditional Christmas donation was handed over to its grateful recipients: The Skiclub Kleingladenbach e. V. and the Tafel Biedenkopf e.V. were each delighted to receive EUR 2,560. This means that two recipients close to the C + P company headquarters in Angelburg will benefit this time. In the two previous years, the donation was awarded on a rotational basis at the Freiberg and Regensburg sites. It has been the company's practice for many years to forego Christmas presents for customers and business partners and instead donate the amount to a charitable cause.

Managing Director Karsten Kußmann personally handed over the two cheques to the representatives of the clubs shortly before Christmas: Marco Achenbach and Stephanie Thomä from the Skiclub Kleingladenbach and Helmut Kretz and Renate Wilke from the Tafel Biedenkopf accepted them on their behalf. They used the time spent together in a convivial atmosphere to provide more detailed insights into the tasks and challenges of the association's work. From food waste and climate change to the legal framework, challenges and need for support: the topics covered the entire spectrum of the associations' landscapes. A beneficial and important look beyond the business horizon for Karsten Kußmann: “Association work is so incredibly diverse and important. Whether it's social interaction, sustainability, health or customs: This is the putty we must continue to rely on!”

The Skiclub Kleingladenbach will primarily use the money for the care and maintenance as well as the expansion of the capital-intensive vehicle and lift technology. This is the only way to ensure ski school operations and slope preparation. The Tafel Biedenkopf will continue to use the money for people living on the breadline. On two days a week, 1,200 needy people benefit from the intensive efforts of the 150 active members.